Episode 46
Intuitive Gifts and the Entrepreneur
Intuitive Gifts and the Entrepreneur with Deb Drummond
In this episode we get curious about:
- Being an intuitive and an entrepreneur
- Alleviating fear from a business standpoint
- Be uncomfortable
To learn more about our guest:
Website: DebDrummond.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/DeborahLDrummond
IG: https://www.instagram.com/debdrummond_official/?hl=en
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mission-accepted-plus-genz-is-us/id1535510518
Books: 22 Women Ultrapreneurs & History-Making Couples: Leaving Legacy in Network Marketing Tell All
Photography & Design: https://ashamclaughlin.wixsite.com/tejart
Music: Where the Light Is by Lemon Music Studio
Producer: Arlene Membrot
Audio Engineer: Sam Wittig
To learn more about Laurin Wittig and her work: https://HeartLightJoy.com
Copyright 2025 Laurin Wittig
Interview Episode with Deb Drummond
Deb: [:Laurin: Hi friends, and welcome back to Curiously Wise. I'm so happy to have you here with us today.
I have the amazing Deb Drummond here with me today and we're gonna have a beautiful conversation. I just, you know, I say that all the time. I'm sure we're gonna have a wonderful, amazing conversation.
I will introduce you to her [:I can relate. She was rarely shy. I'm not surprised, and had a keen sense of who and how she could help. When she started her massage practice, this intuitive gift became very relevant. She quickly gained a deep understanding of the power of the information she was receiving.
She developed her intuitive practice based on a strong desire to assist her clients in an impactful way. Deborah has been an intuitive for over 30 years, and her healing arts practice has helped over 27,000 people to date. I am in awe. She is the proud owner of her company, debdrummond.com, where you'll see the classes she teaches, the courses she offers, the business opportunities she's offering, the products she creates and endorses, and the schedule of her online and live presentations from stage.
is a busy, busy lady. She's [:I'm just really excited to get to talk to you today.
Deb: Oh, Laurin, thank you for having me. I'm enjoying so much of our conversations that we've had so far, and very like-minded. I appreciate this opportunity to talk to your audience.
Laurin: Yeah. So, Deb and I met in a, a workshop and she had an intuitive hit to contact me, and we've had a couple of calls and I was just on her podcast and we've been having these amazing conversations, so I, I. Yeah. I just, I, I just love being with her and talking to her cuz it's always fascinating and I always learned something.
ting these intuitive hits. I [:Deb: Yeah. Interesting, right? So, I am a wise woman as well, which means I've been, I've had a few years on the planet and the first time I saw something very vividly, it was a, it was a vision and it was an image and I was eight years old and I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw it illuminating at the end of my bed, and it was, you know, people would be like, oh, it was a, it was actually an image of Jesus.
But I was not raised in a religious home. I didn't have a like or dislike for that figure, but at eight years old, too much, too soon. It completely freaked me out and it made me feel like I needed to keep it to myself. No, look, I'm 57 years old. We're talking you know, a little while ago, and this was not a conversation that people had. Then you know, then it really, so it was just kind of a secret.
st time when I, I would have [:Yeah, let's really go there. Then, it became very, very apparent, like you just finished reading when, I mean, I had many intuitive incidences that once I got comfortable, I don't even say comfortable. Once I got to a level of understanding that it was something that was not in my control, like I was like, oh my God, I, I, I don't really like this.
I don't know who to talk to, no one could talk to. Once that started to happen was when I took my first massage class and I was in a circle of, it was a small, I was pregnant, so they had me in a small group of like six people. And I started to, as we were massaging, I was starting to get a better sense of a spiritual community.
downloads, messages. I would [:I don't know what this is like. And she's like, oh my gosh, that's so cool.
And I'm like, what do I do? She goes, I don't know. It doesn't happen to me, but it sounds cool. I go, it's not cool. It was really scary, you know? And it wasn't until someone talked me into going into a psychic, cuz I'd never gone to see a psychic.
I didn't know the terminology she had talked me into going. That I sat down in front of this psychic, who honestly, when I walked in, she was wearing this dress. And look it, my first thought was, hmm, that's not really a great color for her. Like, I don't know, it was just this really bizarre dress she was wearing.
And I was like, I was like, wow. And then I'm like, oh my God, she can read my mind. I mean, that's how uneducated I was around spirituality. And then I sat down and she started to do reading. She's like, ooh, someone's a little psychic and they're having a problem with that. Hey. And I was like, yes. It was almost like the first time that you get to voice it.
Laurin: Mm-hmm.
Deb: And then once that [:I'm like, mm-hmm. She's like, you know, you know why people go there, right? And I'm like, mm-hmm. I do. She goes, you see that? Right? Like, I see that. You see that, right? I'm like, let's go have a conversation. And I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, so what do you see? And she goes, well close your eyes. You can do it too. 1, 2, 3, and off.
I watched my daughter go, and when she came back, she completely described a hospital room where she saw someone passing and the wife and the mother and the, like, the whole deal. And I was like, that's cool. This is what you see. This is what I see. This is what Auntie Deb sees. You know, this is. And she's like, okay.
Like, like I was having a conversation about Play-Doh.
Laurin: [:Deb: Yeah.
Laurin: I, I, I remember my son telling these extravagant stories when he was, you know, four and his sister’s saying, he's just lying. And I wasn't on this path at all at that point. Now I'm wondering, hmm, what was he really describing, you know? So, yes. Wow. Okay. So yeah, I know that, that I, I certainly share that I, you know, was afraid of what I could do with my gifts, or I was afraid of the gifts.
I didn't wanna be weird for one thing. I'd always been a, a weirdo for most of people's, you know, acknowledge of me, and I didn't wanna be even weirder. But yes, it takes a while to, to accept that. I think. Yeah.
Deb: Yeah. And or have the people show up. Like for me, I was massaging this woman. and she was a massage teacher in our area of Vancouver. I mean Vancouver, Canada, obviously. You said how much I love my city.
e was doing a massage on me, [:She goes, do you mind if I give you a message I'm getting? And I almost broke into tears. I go, does that happen to you too? I was already like, two years in my practice. You gotta think we're talking 30 years ago, you didn't…
Laurin: mm-hmm.
Deb: When I first started my business, I had a separate flyer. I still to this day, you know, Opal Professional Intuitive. I have it on a different card because some people love it, some don't. It confuses. I'm just like, when I'm told to give it, I give it, but I, I almost broke into tears and like, does that happen to you too? Like, it was really quite, it was difficult. It was difficult. Mm-hmm.
Laurin: Yeah. And I, that's part of why I love doing this, this podcast is because it, it allows people a way to hear it without it being, you know, sort of, without having to be defensive. We're just having a conversation they get to listen in on, but they're gonna, you know, if they need it, they're gonna hear something that validates, or that, you know, augments what they're experiencing or knows, or, you know, brings. I needed the language of it.
I didn't know how to [:Or just super scared, you know? And so, yeah. So, it's lovely. Now you mentioned that your daughter, you mentioned just before we kind came on, that your grandmother also had some of these gifts.
Deb: Yeah, so here's the interesting thing. So, I was talking to my cousin, so I was at my cousin's house, you know, like all the cousins hung out together, cuz you know, my mom and her sister and brothers hung out together. And when I had that vision at eight years old, I was staying at my cousin's house, you know.
my gosh, I may, maybe I was [:And I was at her sister's house up in Prince George. And, and I, I looked at my cousin and I said, you know, there was something that happened. Whatever, 32 years ago you're, she goes, you don't even need to tell me. I said, no. Yes, I do. She goes, oh, no, you don't. I said, it was a, she goes, I know. She goes, it's Jesus, right?
I'm like, yeah. She goes, it still follows me to this day. I go, what? And then, so how many years ago with that? I go would've been great if Reagan told me, we had this conversation earlier. I said, this whole time I've been keeping it to myself. She goes, I was she, no, she tried to tell her mom, who her mom had turned into her, not her turned into, but her mom chose a vocation where she didn't really wanna hear about that stuff.
t working out, she was like, [:And she would move on. Like she was, she, she had the art of containment around her emotions, I'll tell you that. But she was just like, if she stood up in the room, you knew it and you were just like and I just had a relationship with her, but I'd be like, lady, sit down. You know, like we just, she did, we just had a healthy respect and it was a kinship.
Laurin: Mm-hmm.
Deb: I'm like, that makes perfect sense. So, yes, apparently to this day my cousin has that, that image, that energy, that what have you, that follows her, so, mm-hmm.
Laurin: So, do you have any male cousins that you know of that have this gift?
Deb: So, my son and my daughter, both. My son was really strong. Like when he was born, he'd look at the sky and he'd talk in both me and my ex-husband who, who's from England. And that's not so different. Like the, you know, there was just a different culture around spirits in that country. And so, my son was very early on to the point where, you know, when his grandmother passed, him and his dad drove into the parking lot of the funeral.
She had just [:It's like, they look like all white. They're coming up the stairs or whatever. So, my son was, had it, and we were fully prepared at that point for our intuitive, our intuitive guy.
Laurin: Wow. I wish I had been knowledgeable like that when my kids were little, you know, because it would've probably helped both of them quite a bit. But we get where we get when we get there, right?
Deb: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Laurin: So, you have this beautiful, intuitive gift, and it sounds very similar to the way I receive things and see things.
Deb: Right.
m fascinated by that because [:Deb: Right.
Laurin: So, talk to us a little bit about how, maybe a tip or two even, but how we can help that.
Deb: Absolutely! Yeah, I hear you sister. I hear you. Okay. So, we all have God-given gifts, right? And obviously we tapped into them same as myself. When I first got my massage damn pad and I knew it was gonna be part of my life, I just intuitively had a knowingness. I'm like, okay, so if I do this mini massages, I can do this and not go back to work.
ff, and I've, I've talked to [:I've had two radio shows where people would dial in and call in and all that good stuff. And so, I know my people and they would walk into my studio and expect to see all these holistic books. But half of them were, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Multon Goldwell. I have a version and a love for information and the cog of building business.
I love building, I love the progression of building, which is why my podcast is about entrepreneurship, right? And, and people that are doing the work. Cuz I, I love that cog and I had my own lessons around finance and ability and abundance. Look, I was raised with the money doesn't grow on trees. My mom was a single mom.
My dad left, didn't give us any money. I know what it's like to eat wieners and beans on Saturday night with no wieners, you know. Hotdog night, like all that stuff. You know, my cousin's clothes, sharing a bedroom with my brother. You know, I know what it's like to not have. I know what it's like to have, I know what it's like to not have, do you know what I mean?
I've had all of that kind of [:So, but I've always had a love and a virgin and what I always said as a God has put me here to heal the bank tellers. And what I mean by that is that I'm a very approachable woman in relationship to spirituality. So, I think I, my nickname all through these years of, you know, making my way was professional hippie.
So, I'd go to the bank. You know, I would go in and teach the Health and Wealth series to the banks. No, I didn't tell 'em I was psychic. I knew a lot about health and wellness and I would teach them things at their level. I always, you know, I always had that message to come to people at their level. It's not my job to make them think like I do, but it's to open the door wherever they are.
And then I went through my own process of finances cuz I, you know, I eventually had 18 staff at my studio. Well, guess what? They needed paying and they needed, you know, checks. All that stuff. And so, I learned what I didn't know. You know, my mother was a credit manager, very good with numbers. Maybe that's where part of it came from.
I [:And I think having an interrelationship with, if you're going to be in business to have an interrelationship with not only just following flow and intuition, but understanding what flow and intuition is telling you. And let's run the numbers. Like, it's kind of like when you were talking about on our show, how you had a physical symptom that portrayed to be an emotional source.
Laurin: Mm-hmm.
Deb: And so, I do the same thing. So, for example, I was working with a woman yesterday and she is a brilliant Ayurveda practitioner and coach, and she's just crafted and beautiful. And she's like, I'm getting signs. You guys will, I'm getting signs that I need to go on this trip in Indian Valley and da da da da.
the reasons why it would be [:The fear is about the money. It's gonna cost me $14,000 to do this. And I'm like, well, let's do some reverse engineering. And she's like, oh, what do you mean? And I'm like, well, if you want $14,000 by March 2nd, then let's take a look at what March 2nd looks like and how we can either increase $14,000, advance $14,000, create $14,000.
Let's go find it in the real world. Because we have two worlds. Now, I could have just said, obviously you're getting signs. Go for it. Jump in. I'm with you sister. Let's go. Or I could say, let's take a look and explore it so that the part of your brain that's fear, that's having, she goes, it's just fear. I go, but I wanna rec, I wanna acknowledge that that fear is steeped in truth. You have rent.
Laurin: Right.
ries, you have this, and so, [:So, so, here's what I did. I said, okay, so your fear is based around money. So, if you want some tips, I'll tell you exactly what we did, and this is what I do in top performance training. And I'm like, okay, we have 14,000, so we have from October to March. Okay, great. What does that look like per month?
What do we need to bring in per month to put that down? And let's brainstorm on all the different ways that you can attract 14,000. before you go and while you're gone. If your worst-case scenario is that you're gonna be at 14,000 with no return and you do this trip to India and what you wants gonna happen doesn't happen, and who you think you're gonna meet's not gonna meet and who all that is gonna stop and we know there's gonna be a journey.
oing. And I'm like, okay, so [:And how many clients are you seeing? How many clients are you gonna see between now and then? Okay, is it, what are you charging per hour? And she told me, I'm like even if you weren't going to India, we'd be having a conversation about that one sweetheart. I'm like, I want you to go and I want you to, to go out there in the world and see what people are charging for your services.
on, and I said, we just found:Laurin: Yeah.
ike I haven't had diversity, [:So, it's not like I went from one to another to another to another cuz it didn't work or they did. So, it's like that people call it multiple streams of income now. So, so I've always said God's here to help me heal the bank tellers in terms of having them come into this world. And the other thing I said is if God ever was, if, if there was a job title of me meeting people.
And having an appointment and me intuitively telling them their best job. Like, this is what you should do for a living and this is how you should do it. God just downloads this stuff. It is like, and I've learned it in taking classes and I've studied top performers honestly for 30 years before I ever was one in my attempt to be one in my attempt to pay the rent, I studied the people that were exceeding, that came from places where I came from.
Laurin: Mm-hmm.
a story of someone that went [:Like you wanna win? He's like, okay, I want you to punch the bag and I want you to look at yourself in the mirror. And he is like, ah, okay. He goes, because I'm gonna tell you something, that's gonna be your toughest opponent ever. And I was like, yes. And when I'm scared, I watched that movie. Right?
Laurin: I've never watched that. I'm gonna have to watch that one.
Deb: Yeah, that's in the last creed. And I, I love that, because I'm a didn't have to have. I'm one of those, I'm gonna call it from rags to riches. I don't really like that, you know, definition, but I went from not having to having, and it was the inspiration from watching other people. So, I listened and I watched, and honestly, I remember spending my last $300, two, 200 and something, 300 bucks to get all these tapes and cassettes. So, you know how long ago that was, right?
Laurin: Yeah.
Deb: I was [:But I can tell you her dad wasn't very happy when he woke up in the morning, you know. So, there's an intuition that paid off. I've gone on and on and on, but I think I give you the point. So, my point is in terms of tips is taking the reality, which is the physicality. The physicality, like my arm hurts.
It might hurt because you know, I'm fighting with my ex-husband or I've got grief with my brother or whatever, but the arm hurts. So, dissecting that and dissecting source and cause and coming up to something that feels holistic and what's holistic? Whole, the whole picture. And that's how I train people.
f parts of our lives. We are [:But, yeah, and, and I'm, I think I said to you before we started, I'm really not a numbers person, but that makes so much sense to me to take what do I need to have or want to have to do X, Y, or Z? And let me reverse engineer it. How much, you know, do I have it? What, what sources do I have that could create that income?
What else could I create to create that income? I, I, that, that makes sense to me a lot, so.
you know, when I was on this [:20 days. Six different places of sleeping, more planes, trains, and automobiles than anyone should ever, you know, hope to do. There was a time that I needed advice and I called an advisor and we did a little bit of stuff, right? And I have someone that I talk to about other things and I have coaches and certain businesses that I do, and honestly, I don't wanna sit and do my social media all day, every day.
I go and learn about it, and then I hire somebody and I see how it injects into my world, and I see the same thing. Like I, I can see in someone else's business what they might not be able to see for themselves or honestly, they don't wanna do it. So, so good. I don't wanna do my bookkeeping either, so I don't, I hire a bookkeeper.
We talk, you know, once a month. And so, I always say to people, don't be afraid to hire an expert. You're going to learn like she's gonna go through this process with me, and she's going to learn how to do that for herself, A if she wants to, and it's always better, and I think it's always more fun to do it with somebody else because it's you bantering you.
ight? And people, people see [:Laurin: Yeah. I, I have used for years for a variety of reasons, what I call an accountability partner.
Deb: Yeah.
Laurin: And it's a similar, I mean, it's not exactly the same as a coach, but it's somebody who will check in with me and go, you know, you said you were gonna do this this week, and why didn't you get that done? And then we work through why I didn't, and then we'd work, we'd talk about, you know, what I could put in place to make it easier to get it done.
what you do too. So, and I'm [:Deb: Awesome. I'm so happy to be in your pile.
Laurin: Yeah. I'm a, I'm a strong, it's, it's, it's like why people come to me for healing or come to you for healing. Is it, we can't always see what we need to see to heal it on our own, cuz we're too busy trying not to acknowledge it, you know? And the same I think is, for me at least with money, is like, if I don't pay attention to it, I don't have to worry about it.
You know? I mean, I have enough, but I'm, at least I'm not worrying that I don't have enough, which is, I, I know that comes from my, my dad. But so yeah, so that, that is definitely part of the, being a, an entrepreneur you know, have a business that I've had to, to learn and am still learning and still struggling to overcome some, some of my blocks.
But they’re slowly but surely, I'm clearing those out.
e taking it, we're taking for:Laurin: Yes.
Deb: And to, yeah, and to replace the word discount with adding value. And I think if we can see as the healers or the ones that have taken on the job or the quest, you know, cause we're the ones that get tested the most. Okay. So, you know, if we see ourselves as healers and we really truly believe that our dahmer is to serve, it's difficult to serve from a place of starvation.
It's difficult and I don't think that's what Spirit had in mind. And I know it's difficult sometimes, but I think we all by nature gift when we're told to gift. And give what we're told to give. And I go through it to this day, I ask myself many times, I'm like, okay, is there, you know, and, and the uncomfortableness.
Ho! let's talk about the uncomfortableness of starting to add value.
aurin: Let's talk about that.[:Deb: Let's talk about that, shall we? Because I still, you know, I go through it, you know, I'm doing this really big women's project. It is costing me tens of thousands of dollars in PR. And when someone says, oh, I don't know if I just can't, I have to really check in and like, okay, if you are gonna offer this someone, offer someone something that's accommodating to them.
Is there still, like, is, are you uncomfortable? Are you pushing yourself past? Are you being fair to you? Are you being fair to the project? Are you like, and the boundary that we set up around, this is really the best that I can do and or have an exchange of value. Like starting to say like, okay, this is the value and what can you do around exchanging value and having like, honestly, it's a, it's a really interesting conversation, but it's a conversation that happens within yourself and I think that's where having someone along your side is helpful.
, like it's critical. Like I [:She came to our city, we went and go listened. And as I was walking out, someone said something to me, or the next day they're like, oh my gosh, that woman, she's like, she's $800 an hour to go for her sessions. They're like, what a, what a scam, or what a this? And I go, and I looked at her, I go, really?
And they're like, yeah, $800. And I'm like, so $800 just seems completely for a psychic reading seems, I go, she's earning that?
Laurin: Mm-hmm.
Deb: I can guarantee you from someone who paid, I've paid $30,000 for my teacher from India to come teach for a month. I can guarantee you that is value to value because she's earned her wing, she's earned her craft.
years of their [:Laurin: No, that would be a deal.
Deb: Yeah. So, I want people to know that. I want people to think that. I want you, like we earn our wings.
And I had people that came to me and have people that come to me and I obviously do a lot of stuff around business and dah, dah, and covers of books and all sorts of stuff. You know, my condo's not selling, what can I do? And when I had a woman that used to come to me regularly, like every, you know, six to seven to eight weeks.
And when she goes, by the time I finished my reading with you, I'd get in the car and I'd have two people call me and I close deals. Right? And so don't tell me that it wasn't worth it to her. She was like, I don't have a problem paying with you anytime. And I'm like, it was, it was, she was doing so well. At that point I was like, I think I should charge you a commission instead of my hourly wage. Right?
lue proposition, not a, am I [:And when it does, which I'm sure it does, then base it on that value. If you can't base it on your value, be uncomfortable.
Laurin: Yeah.
Deb: I always say your biggest paycheck comes from being uncomfortable.
Laurin: Yeah. Yeah.
Deb: Mm-hmm.
Laurin: Well, and I, I wanna add to that because I know in the workshop where we met, I got some one-on-one time with and I'm just Shiraz.
Deb: Mm-hmm.
Laurin: He did a, you did an interview with him on your podcast just a couple weeks before I was, was interviewed or came out. He's amazing. But one of the things he, he was working with me on is my block against, I had a hard time asking for what I was worth in money.
I'll give you some, you can [:Deb: Mm-hmm.
Laurin: Which is totally devaluing what I am offering in exchange.
Deb: Yeah.
Laurin: And, and I, I totally got it when he put it in that, that framework for me that, yeah, I felt like, because I had always felt like a burden to my parents. They were always fighting for money, and I was always getting, well, you, you have enough, you know.
Deb: Well as heal, as healers, we don't separate our stuff. Like we don't separate ourselves because it is a gift we have within us. And we start to value what we have, or we value our services as we value ourself on the inside in those quiet places, right? And so, blessings for us that we get to work through that.
Laurin: Yes.
hours. And she taught it and [:She goes, well, you're gonna talk to your business. And I'm like, well, I am my business. She said, oh sweetheart, you are not your business. So, I had a conversation with my business, and so I'll say this to you. This is coming up and she's passed over now. So, her name was Light and she's nice, nice name. And she so I'll, I'll, you know, I grant this back to her, but she, I was able to say to my business, okay, darling.
I think it's a little bit, we have a little bit of a conversation here because you are not doing what I want you to do. So, I can go be what I need to be to help people. So, let's have a conversation about the finances, shouldn't we? And let's have a conversation about the, the marketing that I'm doing and let's have a conversa...
e I'm in a relationship with [:Laurin: Huh. Oh, that was brilliant.
Deb: Yeah, it was, it was very empowering. It's very empowering, but you know, there's many aspects to our businesses now too, right? You gotta, gotta give yourself credit. Like there's different, like I'm teaching innovative marketing, I teach innovative marketing as a gift once a month back cuz that's, you know, that's kinda what I was told to do.
Because marketing's my gift. And so, I can gift that. I can gift that, that feels right. And I talk about, I mean, the things that we have to know about our business now that when I started, we didn’t.
Laurin: Mm-hmm.
Deb: Not really, right? Not really. It was different. And we could build our business, you know, going to a networking group.
So, there's lots of things. So, give people that need to give themselves a break, understand that it's a multi-platform to having a business these days. And we are particularly attached because we're healers.
Laurin: Right, right. Yeah. That's brilliant. I'm definitely gonna have a conversation with, I'm gonna have a multiple conversations with my business.
na get off. They're like, ok [:Laurin: Yeah.
Deb: Let’s have a conversation. Yeah.
Laurin: Well, sit down, have a little chat.
Deb: Let's have a chat. Let's have a chat. But it’s a good thing we did.
Laurin: That I don't know that that is, that right there was just such a, a wisdom nugget for me. I appreciate it. Thank you for that cuz that’s…
Deb: You're welcome.
Laurin: Yeah, cuz it is hard, especially when you're a sole practitioner and, and everything revolves around you being present for it. It's hard to detach me from the business and I can see where that's gonna be very, very helpful.
So, thank you. All right. See, I always learn something from you. All right. I think it's time for us to turn our attention to our rapid-fire questions.
Deb: Alright. Let's do it.
Laurin: Okay, so I always ask, the first one I ask is, who is or was the wisest person in your life?
Deb: Oh, wow. That would have to be my grandmother.
Laurin: Okay.
u know, gumption slash means [:Laurin: My mom had a chick crush on Gloria Steinem back in the seventies. So
Deb: Yeah, it's bad.
Laurin: Yeah. Yeah. All right. What's your favorite self-care practice?
Deb: Journaling.
Laurin: Okay.
Deb: Journaling, right. Paper and pen. I am paper girl. It’s on my desk. It's like I, when I open a book, I'm like, I, I smell paper. I smell paper. I just, I, I took a little notepad from the hotel. It's just that…
Laurin: Uhhuh,
Deb: …in it. Yeah. I am a paper girl.
Laurin: Uhhuh. I, yeah. I have piles of paper all over my office. Okay. What lights you up when you're feeling down?
Deb: Music.
Laurin: Yeah.
aled me from breakups. It's, [:Laurin: So, do you have a favorite artist or I'm gonna borrow from your own question, or a favorite…
Deb: Well, we have a Janice Joplin poster there. We have a Janice Joplin there. We have a picture of Janice Joplin from New York, and when I was just at the Sheryl Stra workshop, I found out that she just finished doing the, the script for a Janice Joplin Life movie. I'm just so thrilled. I was like, I think that's why I'm here. So, Janice Joplin Barnan.
Laurin: Okay. Yeah, I see. I didn't recognize any of that, but…
Deb: Okay.
Laurin: Alright.
Deb: It’s a 19 7 67 poster. We're not old enough to remember that.
Laurin: Well, I have a brother who, who was old enough because I was, I was seven and 67, and so he would've been 15. So, you know, he was, he introduced me to a lot of music. Do you have a favorite mantra or affirmation?
Deb: I [:And it is a mantra. And it is asking Lakshmi if you know who the, the deity Lakshmi. And it's asking her to remove all obstacles because she is the, she is the deity of, you know, material goods and beauty and love and art. And she is the abundance. She has multiple hands. And so, mala beads, so I have Mala.
And I'm always wearing them. It's interesting, I wore Cornelian today. I'm like, oh, I'm not wearing my mala. But mala and I used to run big circles and even my sales team, my sales team, before we did a trade show in the car, we would do M Maha or M Laha. And it's just please remove all obstacles. Because some of the times we know that we want abundance.
It's really. It's the obstacles we want to remove away because that abundance is already there.
ce. I think I've had someone [:Deb: Absolutely. So, there's two places you can find me. My name is Deb Drummond. It's very easy. If someone was to Google me, they would need to put in Deborah Drummond and you'll see a plethora of different things that you, like my LinkedIn and that kind of thing. But you can go to debdrummond.com. It's my website and it has absolutely everything there.
To email me makes it even simpler. It's deb@debdrummond.com and if you love the intuitive work obviously, I do private sessions and they can go to Opal Pro Intuitive. So, Opal like the beautiful, gorgeous Opal stone pro intuitive dot com, and they can read all about my services there.
Laurin: Great. And we'll have all of that in the, in the show notes. Of course. All right. So, we're gonna be bringing this out in March.
Deb: Awesome.
Gloria Steinem coming out in [:Deb: Yes, I'd be happy to tell you about it. And it's interesting that we talk about my grandmother and the word for gumption because that's really what's behind this book. This book I got told I was gonna be doing in my twenties, I was told I was gonna do a, a women's planner because the one I was using without a print and I got disturbed about that.
I did produce planner that has lots of beautiful women in it, but this is a book that is not gonna be done every year. This is a piece of legacy. And you know, I have interviewed, I'm sure, as you have many people, and there is something very special about when a woman decides to do project. And there's something very much when you ask her, she's like, oh, my kids, my community, my parents, like we are a legacy based cellular being.
get to write whatever their [:And that is them writing about their project, their business, their art, their craft, and then a gorgeous black and white picture of them. So, the book is very cinematography. Has the most incredible women. And then we decided to launch it on International Women's Day due to a show that I watched. It was supposed to launch at Christmas.
We went over to International Women's Day and then I felt like it needed to have so much presence. It's a copy table book that'll sit there for years on someone's desk, but we've added an additional piece of speaking. So, there'll be six speakers at the international book launch, which will be online.
And then I've created Stand Up, Speak Up and Show Up: Yes, You! Summit Series between the two book launches. So, one book launch is capturing it like book ends right before Mother's Day. There's eight weeks in between and there'll be eight speakers of incredible women in business, sharing, telling 75 speakers.
women. [:So, it's a big lock arm and for me it's more of like a movement. So now you know why it's not a yearly project. It is something that just needs to happen. And we are looking for people that fall that category, that wanna have it level exposure. It will be streamed on Apple, Roku, you know, Amazon TV, it, it'll be PR, NBC, CBS, ABC.
I wanna make a presence and I think it is time. It is retime. It is retime. I believe that we need to re, be reheard cuz we've been heard. It sounds like we haven't been heard. You know, we, we got sisters that were, you know, there's been eras of women standing up. So, it's time for us to be reheard in a way that redefines our boundaries and our needs and our abilities as a gender.
Mm-hmm. [:Laurin: And I hope you'll give me all the information about that so we can put that in the show notes too. And yeah, I'm, I'm excited about that prospect. I, I wish my mother was here cuz she would've like been all over it. And it's weird for me to say I wish my mother was here, cuz that's not usually how I feel about her.
Deb: But here's the beautiful thing for people that feel like that. What a beautiful, I mean on the left-hand side where people are writing their journeys or they're this, I mean there's lots of room for testimony and dedication. Even if you wanna dedicate one sentence, which is what I'm encouraging people to do, like this is a legacy book and so who, you know, this is an opportunity and that's why I wanted to give it breath.
Like you've got a full cover spread. So, you could say, I'd love to dedicate, you know, this piece, or what did you learn that was valuable, because I totally understand what you're saying on multiple levels.
ned as much as I have today. [:You know that we're here every Tuesday, we have a new episode coming out. Usually a, a lovely interview like this. Sometimes it's just me talking, but we have one for Curiously Wise every Tuesday, and I hope to see you next week. Bye for now.
Thank you so much for joining us today on Curiously Wise. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future fabulous conversations. And if you had any ahas, please share them in a review on Apple Podcasts so we can continue to pay forward the unique wisdom we all have.
If you want to know more about me or my intuitive energy healing practice Heartlight Wellness, please head over to my website. www.heartlightjoy.com.
Curiously Wise is a [:I'm Laurin Wittig. Please join me again next week for another episode of Curiously Wise. From my heart to yours, may your life be filled with love, light, joy, and of course, curiosity.