Episode 15

Karma and Soul Walking with Dr Lynn Anderson

Karma and Soul Walking with Dr Lynn Anderson

In this episode we get curious about:

  • [00:02:03] What is Karma?
  • [00:03:31] We are here to do some form of work
  • [00:03:57] The four great passions in life
  • [00:05:24] We chose our parents and our bodies according to Karma
  • [00:07:46] We are here for the soul
  • [00:13:42] There are things that block us from working on our karma
  • [00:15:47] Work on your karma by learning to step back
  • [00:18:25] Soul walking

To learn more about our guest:

Website: HOME | Doctorlynn

FB: Doctor Lynn (facebook.com)

IG: Doctor Lynn (@doctorlaa) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/drlynnanderson

Other: https://www.youtube.com/user/doctorlynn/feed

To learn more about Laurin Wittig and her work: https://HeartLightJoy.com

Copyright 2025 Laurin Wittig

Transcript Here


Interview Episode with Dr. Lynn Anderson


Oh, and we'll be laughing. A lot. I invite you to join in the fun as we uncover the unique wisdom. We each carry within us. Ready? Let's get curious. Hello, friends and welcome to curiously wise. I'm Laurin Wittig, your host. And I have Dr. Lynn Anderson here today as my guest. And I'm really excited to talk to her about a lot of things, she's got a whole lot of experience. Let me just introduce you through her bio. Dr. Lynn is a, Naturepath, a Yoga Nutritional Therapist, a Fitness Professional, a Karma Master, which is something that I'm really fascinated by, Published Author, International Speaker and Video Producer with over 30 years experience in the field of natural health and fitness.

She's the author and producer of the Soul Walking Series of books. The Naturopathic Wellness Series of books and Dr. Lynn's proactive aging workouts. And she has a ton of stuff available on her website and YouTube. And I just went and looked at it shortly ago and there's a whole lot of stuff out there that she's put out there.

So it's a great resource. So Dr. Lynn, thank you so much for joining me here today, and I'm really excited to talk to you and can we just start with this concept of karma. And if you could define it for the listeners because for me it's a pop culture thing. Karma's a bitch, you know, so if you could define it for us and then just, talk a little bit about what your work is with karma


I like to give an example of, if you steal something and you never get caught, you're still a thief.





I moved there during the pandemic. So what it is with karma is karma really is about, and we use the word work. We hear that karma is about work. And it really means that we are here each and every one of us to do some form of work. And that doesn't mean your work work that you do, but that can be how you work through your karma.

And that those are all depending upon different emotions and things that come in or different things that play out in our life. For example, every one of us is here to deal with the four great passions. Karma says we have four great passions in life and they will affect each and every one of us. One of them will affect you, you or me, a person to, and more degree than the others, but they're called deceit.

Greed, anger and pride and everything comes off from those four great emotions according to karma. So if, for example, you used to have a lot of anger issues that keep coming up in your life. Obviously, that's the one that you need to work on. And it's very easy to say, let's say you and I are in, you know, some kind of an, an antagonistic situation.

It's very easy for me to say, well, you made me angry, but you didn't make me angry. I took on that emotion of anger. And so it's the ability to step back and to see yourself and not to want to be an angry person. And to remove that anger that takes work, that's karma


I can change the way I see things, the way I react to things, and change that. So is that an example of working the karma?


You're not a human there, but in order to come back, and correct whatever it is or experience it, you need to come back and take on human form because human form allows you to have the emotions and the issues. So we choose our parents to help us work this out. And you're absolutely right. We fall into this and then the parents are all at fault for everything that ever happened in our lives, you know?

And, and you're a mother and I'm a mother. So then you, then it turns around and it comes back



Karma is not easy. We're not here to have a cake walk through life, or for example, to never have any pain. Pain is a human experience. Sadness is a human experience. We will all experience those things. That's part of choosing to come back.



Endure sufferings and hardships because when you learn how to endure those, it takes you to that higher level. That's part of why we chose to be here.



It's about working your soul. That's why we are here.



But you go in and you look up your birth date. Now, this is not astrology. This has to do with the, to come, which is part of, sort of Cabala. And it's about your correction. That's what it means. So when you go in, you will find which one of those four great passions, deceit, greed, anger, or pride is prominent in your life.

And it's kind of interesting because even though it is kind of generic, it will hit a few tones in there and you'll go, wow. Wow. I didn't realize that I was really dealing with deceit and what deceit really means, cuz we think of deceit as a lying and it's not necessarily that I'm deceiving you. I may be deceiving myself. And so it'll give you kind of a general feeling, but you wanna look out the signs are the things that keep reoccurring in your life. That's why they talk about karma keeps coming back. You know, what goes around, comes around. It keeps circling around and you keep finding yourself.

Falling into this place where you're hanging out with people that are angry and whatever, or deceitful, or, or greedy, whatever it is. And it's the ability to have the awareness to step back. That's when you take you step back into the soul and this all goes, oh, I gotta work on this. I don't need to be in this.

And when you start to change that, everything in your life begins to change. And that's what we refer to as good karma.






It like, it, it is like, it kind of hits a bell inside. It's like, yep, that's it. So that's really interesting. And I was wondering if it had anything to do with the astrology with the birth natal charts, but you're saying that it does not.


So it, it, it is, it does intercept.




Like move on, on their journey or continue on their journey. So I'm always looking for ways to help them figure out how they can take this information that for me, it comes up in healing sessions and how they can begin to incorporate it into their lives. Are there some general things that you teach people or that you share with people about how to move towards working your karma?

Or is it just individual.


For example, in our morals, in our ethics, tell us it's bad to steal, but karma isn't really concerned about that. You do that. You're a thief. You wanna carry that with you through eternity? Because you will, because according to karma, you take that with you. And then when you go to the holdover place, you gotta reflect on that, and you may come back and you may have everything stolen from you in the next lifetime. Because you chose to come back and say, I'm gonna be the victim this time. Cuz I need to work that through cuz I was not such a good person this last time, but it is really about awareness and how the individual wants to take the focus and put it on themselves because it's so easy in this world to point the finger at everyone else.

You lied to me, you deceived me, you make me angry. You're a greedy person, I mean, it goes on and on and on, and we're always sending that stuff out when if we take it back and we don't take it to judgment. You're not a bad person if let's say greed is your one, you're not a bad person.

It's just, you've been given that task to work on it.







What we can really gain from a situation











That's what it means. You keep coming back and you keep placing yourself in situations till you work that through. Ultimately, we're hoping to work it all through and become like the Buddha. But I mean, for most of us, we we're coming back a few more times.


And then I got a handle on some of it. and that was better. It was that lifting, but then it came back again, but it's like, I've, I'm at a higher level now of understanding. And so the second time it's still kind of a lot of work, but I get through it faster. And by the time I get to the fourth or fifth iteration, I'm like, oh, I know what this is.


And the quicker I can release myself from that come back to the calm place, which is what karma teaches us. That one of the great qualities in life to develop is the ability to become.



That's the thing, you know, you can be as idealistic as you want. There will always be war. There will always be famine. There always has been since the beginning. I would love to live in a Utopia, but it doesn't happen. So the more we can sort of come back and say, okay, first thing I'm gonna do is take a breath and I'm gonna calm myself down and then take an objective look at this situation rather than throwing my judgment in and my prejudice and my bias, which we all tend to do.







Very valuable in that your ego is there to protect you. It's to make sure we survive. And we thrive in this world, so we never wanna get rid of the ego, but the ego likes to be really loud and appear. And the soul sits down here and goes, okay, I'll watch, you know, I'll contemplate, I'll watch all of this cuz the soul doesn't use C it's wait.

For you to open that door. And so once you start to open that door, you will find yourself, there's this body in this mind that you're carrying around from the soul. As opposed to the other way around, I'm this body and mind. And I think there might be a soul in there somewhere, you know?

So soul walking means to be walking and living life from your soul's perspective, as opposed to the ego's perspective. And that again, karma takes work because the ego's constantly going to come up. You get into an argument with your mate or whatever, and that ego comes up cuz you wanna win that argument. That's the ego and the soul sitting back here going, okay, go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. You know, but when you can take that back and let it go, you'll find that the soul comes up and the soul's like, oh, what did I learn? What did I get? How did I work that through? Isn't that wonderful that I was able to work that through and let it go.


Take a breath, go take 15 minutes and go meditate. If that's what it takes, go walking outside that, that quietness of the nervous system, the emotional system really does allow you to feel and hear what's the real point of this situation, , what's in this for me.


You know, and to get beyond all of that. But when we do, when we develop the quality of calmness and we understand how to take ourselves to that calm place. Then you can listen. And when you stop and you really listen, you will hear the soul and the soul will direct you where you need to go. And it's a part of us, you know, I'm a, I'm a naturopathic doctor and as a naturopathic doctor, we believe, and

When I work with clients and students that you are body, mind, and soul, and that all three of those have to be in perfect balance for there to be perfect health. And if you come to me and you wanna work with me and I only work on your body, then I'm neglecting the mind and the soul, and we need to make sure that all three are integrated together because that's what you are.

You are body minded, soul. You are not a body, a mind or a soul. You are all three integrated. And that goes, that is exactly the philosophy of yoga.



I mean I still teach yoga and cycle and I'm very, very active person. And when I was in bed, I, I said, there's two things I wanna do. If I get out of this bed, well there three things I'm gonna climb stairs cuz I couldn't climb stairs and I'm going to dance and I'm gonna do yoga.

Cause I was teaching yoga at the time I was teaching a lot of yoga classes and I had clients and stuff. As I got out of bed, I started listening to music and tapping my feet to music and doing small yoga exercises. And I developed a Dr. Lens, anti-aging yoga dance, and I hired a whole team and we produced it, the DVDs, and we sold them internationally all over the country.

The DVDs. So it was an offshoot from that. And then I went into the studios and the gyms and I taught the class, and people loved it because it's really more a proactive aging class. So we touch on a lot of things that are a concern to people as they are going from, let's say menopause, onward.

Although I had younger students come in that had issues with their knees, with their backs, with whatever. So it's a class that combines. The idea was you have one hour to exercise. So I'm going to give you flexibility, strength, balance, aerobic exercise, and rest and peace, a little meditation all in one hour so that if you don't have the time, which most people don't.

The one thing they do neglect is aerobic exercise get 15 or 20 minutes of a yoga dance inside that hour. And so you've, you've done everything you're supposed to do









So she was a very influential person.



So it that's, that's a really favorite. Yeah. That's real.





















[00:28:19] Laurin: Good. Perfect. Easy. All right. Well, I wanna thank you for this amazing and wonderful and insightful conversation we've had today. I've really enjoyed having you here, and I hope our listeners have enjoyed it as much as I have. So I wanna thank the listeners for being here today. I always appreciate you showing up and, and I encourage you to leave me comments or reviews, cuz that would be wonderful to get some feedback about what you like or what you don't like.

And I hope you'll join me again on next Tuesday. When we come out with another episode of Curiously Wise, have a wonderful day and I hope to see you soon Thank you so much for joining us today on Curiously Wise. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to subscribe. So you don't miss future fabulous conversations. And if you had any ahas, please share them in a review on apple podcasts so we can continue to pay forward the unique wisdom we all have. If you want to know more about me or my intuitive energy healing practice Heartlight wellness.

Please head over to my website. www.heartlightjoy.com. Curiously Wise is a team effort. I am grateful for the skill and enthusiasm Arlene Membrot our producer, and Sam Wittig, our audio engineer, bring to this collaboration. Our music is Where the Light Is by Lemon Music Studio.

I'm Laurin Wittig. Please join me again next week for another episode of Curiously Wise, from my heart to yours, may your life be filled with love, light, joy, and of course, curiosity.

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Curiously Wise
Practical Spirituality in Action

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Laurin Wittig

Laurin Wittig is a Holistic Light Worker here to help others on their ascension journey. She is an intuitive energy healer, spirituality mentor, founder of HeartLight Wellness, host of the Curiously Wise: Practical Spirituality in Action podcast, and channel of The Circle of Light.