Episode 71

Navigating Spirituality and Trusting the Journey with Donna Fairhurst

Navigating Spirituality and Trusting the Journey with Donna Fairhurst

In this episode we get curious about:

  • Importance of self-trust
  • Donna’s spiritual journey and experiences
  • The role of aura imaging in Donna’s work
  • The impact of past lives and memories
  • The transformative power of storytelling
  • Self-affirmation and the power of "I am"
  • The emphasis on validation, trust, and self-awareness
  • Shifting from a victim mentality to a learning mentality
  • Importance of forgiveness and understanding
  • Book recommendations and spiritual insights

To learn more about our guest:

Donna is an inspirational Life/Soul Coach, 3 x Best Selling Author, Reiki Master, Psychic Medium & Empath , Aura & Chakra Intuitive, and multi-level Holistic Practitioner. Her motto is: Challenge refines you or defines you! Surviving & thriving a journey through near blindness, polio, divorce, bankruptcy, and multiple “YOYO TO GOD” near-death experiences, empowers Donna Fairhurst to live and teach Zero to Clarity Principles. 

Website: Home - Donna Fairhurst

FB: Soul Full Solutions

FB Group: Life on Purpose with Donna Fairhurst | Facebook

LI: http://linkedin.com/in/donna-fairhurst-a96733a7

Recommended Book(s):

Ask Your Angels by Timothy Wiley

Manifest Your Destiney by Wayne Dyer

Wisdom of the Ages by Wayne Dyer


Audio Engineer: Sam Wittig

Music: Where the Light Is by Lemon Music Studio

Photography & Design: Asha McLaughlin/Tej Art

To learn more about Laurin Wittig and her work: HeartLight Wellness

Copyright 2025 Laurin Wittig


Interview Episode with Donna Fairhurst

Donna: [:

It's, it's, it's, it's building blocks, right?

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

Donna: Most of the, I work mostly with women and a few brave men like you. And the thing that I find the most is that they've been indoctrinated to trust everything in their life, except themselves, you know, trust, trust the government, trust your teachers, trust your, your parents, trust your husband.

rms with it. And then trust, [:

Laurin: Hello friends. And welcome to curiously wise. I am so happy that you were here with us today. I am getting to interview this amazing woman that I got to interview in a very short. Format at Podapalooza back in, gosh, October, I think it was, I don't know, it's sometime recently. But, but Donna is such a, a wonderful, fun person to talk to that I invited her to come and have a full length conversation with me.

with creativity and passion. [:

Donna, I am so excited to have this conversation with you.

Donna: Oh, Laurin, I, I couldn't be more excited and honored to be here. I mean the little bit that time that we had on Podapalooza was not enough.

Laurin: No, no, not at all.

Donna: amazing soul.

Laurin: Well, thank you. So are you. I feel like you've walked the path a lot longer than I have. So, it's really lovely to have that opportunity. I see you as a wise woman, you know, it's

Donna: Oh,

Laurin: so that's, that's and I love wise women because they have so much stuff to share. So we are going to talk about a lot of things, but let's start with, you have this incredible journey to where you are now with a lot of ups and downs.

And you've had Three near death experiences. Is that right?

record. I don't remember the [:

So he told me about it.

Laurin: So give us just the, the, the journey from, from wherever you first realized that you had these gifts, these abilities to, to where you are now.

Donna: I think when I was four was my first awareness that I was different. That's the first real recollection I have. And it came from a spanking. My father had never spanked me in my life. And we had moved from the ranch where we had, could run anywhere and we're free to do anything. My brother was exactly a year younger than me.

o watch him because he was a [:

Work shift work as a nurse at the time and so she was often gone in the evenings and coming back in the mornings before dad left. So he said, sat me on the step and said, look after your brother. And I got tied up with talking to a little spirit in the rosebush beside me and I let go of Wayne's hand.

Of course, he took off and I'm talking to this little spirit angel in the rosebush and my dad sees Wayne running. He runs and he grabs it comes back. He's. You know, yelling at me and dad didn't raise his voice to us kids very much and he said, what in the hell do you think you were doing? Your brother could have been killed.

told you to hang on to him. [:

And he gave me a second swap and he said, that's for not telling the truth. And the third one is just for good measure. And I was crushed, I had, he never touched me in my life. And so I shut down, I knew it wasn't good to tell people about the, the angels and the beings that I talked to. I still continue to talk to them, but I only did it in private.

me down and she says, look, [:

I know that it's not normal. And I'm going to take you to see a doctor and we're going to get to the bottom of this. And I think that they were afraid I was bipolar or something. You see, no offense to anybody that's bipolar that I, that I had an alternate personality that came out or something. And I was beginning to think that myself.

And in truth I just saw auras and I saw people and I was born technically legally blind. So all I saw was color. And, and if you were like, if you're right here, three feet away from me, I can see you perfectly. If I take off my glasses and I move back 20 feet, you're just a Christmas tree of lights to me.

y person. We'll just do some [:

And it didn't work of course. And I continued. But I shut down, I shut up, and I never ever spoke about it again to my parents. Oh, until my grandfather died. And then I came, my grandfather came to me the night he died. He sat on my bed. He said, he was realer than you are on the screen to me. He was my flesh and blood grandpa sitting on my bed.

e were communicating without [:

It was thought talk, heart talk. And then he said, I want your parents to know that you're a truth bearer. And you're a light bear. So you're going to go wake up your dad when I go and you're going to tell him everything that I tell you about where I died, how I died, what I was wearing, who saw me at the hospital.

And you're going to do all of that really quickly, because your auntie Irene is going to phone and tell your father that I'm dead.

Laurin: Mm hmm.

Donna: okay. So, being a dutiful student and child, I sat there and I listened and nodded and repeated back to him and he said yes, and then he gave me a hug and he was gone.

anding anxiously at the door [:

And I said, that'll be auntie. I read telling you that grandpa's. We went, okay, Donna and mom took over holding me. Dad goes to the phone and he said, what, when? And now he's sliding down the, you know, those 1960s telephone stools. He missed the seat and ended up on the floor, holding the phone with his legs straight out in front of me, staring down the hall at my mother and I.

And he said, okay, all right, let me know when the, when the funeral is arranged and, and we'll get there. And then he just sat on the floor with the phone in his hand, staring at me with his hand on the, you know, he clicked it off. And you can hear the tone on the phone going. And it was just like filling the space.

g and he said, I'm so sorry. [:

I had no idea what a seer was.

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

Donna: And he said, your great grandma was like you.

Laurin: Oh, wow.

Donna: And he said, everybody called her the witch, right? And he said, your auntie Bertha is like you, but she would never, ever say anything to the family.

Laurin: Hmm.

Donna: So my father and I came to terms with it. My mother and I, not so much. I was in my forties before my mother reconciled to, to all of this.

Laurin: Wow. Yeah. So many kids do get shut down. I, I've, I've heard lots of adults. Who, as I've begun my spiritual path, you know, they, they tell the story of how when they were little, they saw things and then, and then sort of the world came at them and they stopped and now it's coming back, you know, as they're, as they're moving into their adult years.

ing anything as a kid, but I [:

Donna: we have a ghost in this house that we're renting and she's lovely.

Laurin: yeah, yeah. So it's but I know that's, that's real common. So, okay. So let's fast forward a little bit. And when did you, did you bring these gifts into your work or how, how did you come to be the kind of coach you are today?

Donna: Oh, that took a long time. I have had such a diverse life and I've traveled the world. I lived for 12 and a half years in Indonesia

Laurin: Wow.

program And then life saving [:

And so this, this wasn't a part of my life. And my husband at the time was really not. Open to any kind of discussion about spirit he had lost his mom and his brother, very tragically young in life. And he had an experience that scared the bejesus out of him and he just said, no. Don't don't even talk to me about this.

And he knew that I knew things that I shouldn't know. He'd ever wanted to discuss them. So it was coming back. And then I went through I've I've battled cancer 3 times. I've, you know, gone had bankruptcy. I went through with that gentleman, the worst divorce in the face of the universe for, you know, beam me up Scotty.

from it. I went into massive [:

I didn't do anything about it. If somebody miraculously found me through some weird synchronicity, then I would share or do what needed to be done to bring them to peace. I didn't, however, take it out there in the world. I was running a travel agency for eight and a half years and then 9 1 1 hit and that's how I went bankrupt.

r Canada going but let Canada:

So in my third marriage I found my soulmate and I worked with him. I became a machinist and a millwright. If you can imagine from being an executive in multiple travel corporations, I went to be a millwright and a machinist and I aced it and I loved it. And I could have challenged my first level. Millwright certification, machinist certification. So,

Laurin: huh?

Donna: we moved and moved again, and I sort of semi retired for a couple of years and toyed with writing and my art and everything. And then he came to me and said, look, you know, you're bored as hell. Why don't you do what you really came here to do? And I looked at him and he said, you know that you're a spiritualist.

You know that you're here to maybe not save the world, but save the people that can save the world.

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

lways born to do and just do [:

Laurin: right? Yeah.

Donna: however, when he opened that door for me, and it took me to 2 more years of talking to other spiritually aligned people and rereading all of my books.

I mean, I must have a:

And when I started to trust, it just grew and grew and grew. And then the coaching just kind of started on the side. [00:16:00] And then one day my sister, who's very pragmatic said, why aren't you charging for this? You know, this is, you can make a living doing this.

Laurin: That's right.

Donna: And I was playing around with it in retirement and, you know.

I started step by step doing it. And as I did, the people aligned that helped me to take the next step in the next step. Am I good at the business part of it? Absolutely not. And

Laurin: with.

Donna: the computer stuff now, like, when people that I'm trying to learn from tell me about funnels and this and that, I lose the will to live

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

Donna: literally.

I'm a technosaurus rex and I admit it. I admit it fully. So somehow I fumble and bumble my way through it. I have an amazing webmaster who keeps my website up to date and makes it sparkle. And people find me through that and, and life is good. I love it. And best of all is I get to meet people like you and share the journey.

h. I know. That's one of my, [:

And then, you know, I had people show up to show me how to do things, but the best part, I get so lit up from these conversations. Cause I get to talk to such amazing people that are around the world. More and more Canadians, you know, but, and I'm in the U S so, but it's and I'm getting goosebumps as I talk about this.

I love just sharing the stories,

Donna: So why?

Laurin: powerful. We're wired for story. Humans are wired, literally our brains are wired to learn from story. So this, this format where we just get to share our stories it just, it just speaks to my heart. So yeah, it's, it

Donna: And it's, it's like carrying a good book around with you, except it's live.

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: And we [:

Laurin: Right. Exactly. Exactly. It's and I, I actually started looking at this during the pandemic because I missed having these juicy conversations, particularly with women. I have some men who come on as guests, but mostly it's women because I had a whole community that we did that, you know, a couple of times a month we'd get together in a circle and have these wonderful conversations.

Donna: Juicy. Yeah.

Laurin: I love juicy

Donna: Juicy.

Laurin: So yeah, so this, this fulfills that, that gap that happened with the pandemic for me too. So let's talk a little bit about soul power. I noticed in the, some of the notes you gave me that you talked about how you had come into your soul power.

What do you mean by soul power? Let's start with that.

hat's what soul means to me. [:

I mean, I didn't go over there and just float in and say, hi, and I'll get my wings. I, I've, I went in and I, I asked the hard questions, you know, that, you know, Tough love and a velvet glove. And I, I, I even asked things about like, what do you mean there's no hell? Well, what happened to people like Hitler and all of that?

te the principles. And bring [:

And then I began to live from those and then synchronistically the people that needed those bits of information in this side of the veil showed up. And I would share a little bit with them and they would share a little bit and it would go around the circle and then the circle would circle back to me and it was just so synchronistic and so unified and so love based that it created power.

It became very powerful. So I came into my soul power when I really started to. Express and share the experiences I had in near death and bring them back and start to live and teach from them here. Does that make sense

sense to me and, and what a [:

Donna: I'll take it all in because I don't plan on coming back next time.

Laurin: My favorite aunt has said the same thing. I'm not coming back again. I'm like, but what if I come back and I want you to come with me?

Donna: Well, you know, that's a conversation you have in soul circle on the other side, because anybody that's in your immediate soul circle in this lifetime

has been in your life in one capacity or another in every lifetime, and you carry that that forward. You know, I had an experience on my 1st, 2nd day in London, England with my then husband and 2 friends that were traveling. We're traveling together in Europe. And we only had four days in London, and I was on this bus, I was on this trolley, and we were going, you know, it was one of those get on, get off trolleys, and you go all around London, and we were heading back to our hotel.

e us through the old quarter [:

I said, I'm going home. Come on, come on. And I jumped off. And so my husband was running after me. Our two friends were running after him. And I got to the tobacco back to the tobacco shop, which was about, you know, a block and a half back. And I stood there. And he came out and he said, what in the hell are you doing?

And I said, I know this place. I know this place. I lived here. He said, what do you mean you lived here? You're, you're crazy. Did you smoke some dope? Did you have a mushroom? What's going on? Do I know you do know something? I don't know. I said, I know that I lived here. I know that I lived in a house near here in a big square.

in a black red iron gate and [:

Laurin: Mm hmm.

Donna: And I clearly saw a lifetime I had in that house.

Laurin: Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Past life

Donna: they were afraid of me,

Laurin: Yeah, I've learned a lot from past lives. Go ahead.

Donna: I had a similar experience in Hawaii,

Laurin: Mm

Donna: you know, and Mexico.

Laurin: hmm.

Donna: So London, Hawaii, Mexico, a lot of diverse lifetimes.

, so I, you know, I'd gotten [:

But when I started writing these books, I hadn't been to Scotland since I was 11. That was the only time I'd ever gotten there. And so I would get big maps out. I had some that had, you know, like old castles on it. And some were, were, you know, gave you how high things were in that kind of topographical.

And I would start looking at them and I would zero in on an area. And I would imagine a castle there. And I would kind of have a feeling one of them, there was like a wall missing and I didn't know why it was missing, but it was, it was missing. And another one, I knew that it was near standing stones. As I then turned to my research after I'm like, I think I'm going to put a castle right here.

were there and they were as [:

There's it's familiar. You know, it's familiar. I don't have that sense of exactly what life I had there, but I know that this is a place that I had been. And lived a life and it was, but it was so fun to like, think I was imagining all of these places and then have them turn out to be real. It's like, okay,

en we went to England and we [:

My husband's great grandfather in the, in the village that they lived in. And there was my mother's family name everywhere.

Laurin: yeah.

Donna: And they had, they lived in England a long time, but they, they emigrated from Ireland, England, and then from there to the U S and from the U S to Canada. So when I told my mother all of that, she was just like amazed.

And then she went to a family reunion in the States and found them all.

Laurin: What, what I noticed when I was in Scotland and this has been a long time now since I was there, but it wasn't that I like slipped into the vernacular, but I could understand everybody. Except, except for one fellow from Glasgow, his wife had to translate for me because that's such a strange, thick accent, the Glaswegian accent, but, but we went high up into the northern part of the country and you get a thicker and thicker brogue as you get up there and I had no trouble.

t of that, you know, sort of [:

So. I want to touch back just I want to back up a little bit because you were talking earlier about how you learn to trust yourself as you were moving along this. And I know it's something that I teach. I have a class on how to communicate with your spirit guides. And one of the things I teach people is how to learn to trust that you are receiving accurately.

rust in yourself and in what [:

Donna: Do you mean do you mean how do, how do I bring them to, to show them they can trust me or how I teach them to trust themselves or both?

Laurin: To trust themselves is really the one that I like to teach people.

Donna: I, I, you know what, I go right back to the ABCs. What you declare yourself to be, I mean, I always say the biggest thing, the most important thing I teach, if you get nothing else from me is I am, when you say I am, whatever comes after that better be based in love and trust and, and joy. And if it's a negative feeling or a negative thing you're responding to, then you have to trust that your words can change.

The energy of your words spoken from your heart has more power than a thousand light bulbs. can turn light bulbs on with that love.

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

Donna: if you just [:

It's, it's, it's, it's building blocks, right?

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

Donna: Most of the, I work mostly with women and a few brave men like you. And the thing that I find the most is that they've been indoctrinated to trust everything in their life, except themselves, you know, trust, trust the government, trust your teachers, trust your, your parents, trust your husband.

ardians, just ask, you know, [:

Laurin: Mm.

Donna: And it's an old, old book by Timothy Wiley, and I forget who the lady is now. It basically was the ABCs of talking to spirit. Whatever, whatever God creator angels are too, they are real, they have have a body of energy that is so much bigger and brighter and love based than ours, that we can rest into that.

And what I find most is that. People that have had tragic passings and didn't align with that before, and then they go over their biggest gift. The thing they want most to do is to bring that light and love to their loved ones so that they can know it here and now.

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: And, and [:

And I use a lot of, I brought back a lot of principles from my different and diverse. You know, near death experiences, and I started like at first writing them out and an honest to God. They're like, they're on. This is it. This is forgiveness on a card. And I've got calm principle and the sacred sacred soul self and, you know, pivots with purpose.

And all of those are things that I was shown and, and were shared with me. On the other side. And I now know, you know, at the time, I didn't know why that was happening. And I now, I now know that was so I would come back. I would share, I would live from it first and see how it worked for me, see how it changed my life.

And then I would start to share it first with my closest family and friends and then the greater world and more and more people were drawn to it. And it just became a way of being.

Laurin: Yeah, [:

Donna: Yeah. Oh, we're sharing heart to heart here.

Laurin: yeah, yeah, it really is. It's,

Donna: Does it feel like your heart is too big for your body right now?

Laurin: oh, it's way outside.

Donna: Yeah.

Laurin: Yeah, it started off pretty good anyway, but it's just really expanded. I just wanted to, to make one point about trusting and because I had, I had an experience as we were starting before we actually started recording where you were telling me about the aura that I was expressing. And It was, I call it validating for me because the way you described it and explained it to me is the way I live with intention is to live from the heart and to, and to be guided by the heart and, and yet you saw something that I don't see.

tell you what they're seeing [:

Donna: You know, if you trust to like, I just, I just channel whatever comes good, bad or indifferent, because if I start to judge it. Then I know I'm in my head. If I start to tweak it, then I know I'm in my head and I pull right back to my heart. I know that whatever message, whatever spirit, whatever angel comes forward for the people I'm working with, I am supposed to deliver it exactly as it is delivered to me and trust that it will land where and how they need to hear it.

Laurin: That's exactly the way I work with clients. I'm not always as kind to myself. That's exactly the way I work with my clients.

Donna: heal thyself.

Laurin: Yeah, right. Did I hear that right? Did I? No. Mm hmm.

Donna: [:

So I was using them just for myself. And then I found with clients that I would give them the information that I was getting and we would be working on the principles and how that pertain to whatever person, place or situation was. Well, whatever was going on in their life right then. So I would deliver all of that with absolute trust in the angels and guides.

I don't do like the huge old [:

Laurin: hmm. Yeah.

Donna: twelve cards.

I do the near past the right now and the near future three cards done and done and they always without fail every single time confirm exactly what we've just been talking about. So I use them more as a confirmation. And it's the same when I do aura imaging, because my husband and I do aura imaging and I do sessions where we'll do a before picture and then they'll come into my office and we'll work on doing some clearing and some cord cutting and, and, you know, channel their, their angels, read it.

And then I'll do a complete clearing and grounding and Reiki treatment, send them back for another image. It's like night and day.

Laurin: Wow. Wow.

Donna: And I'll point out on the first picture what we need to change, what we need to work, moving out of them.

Laurin: Yeah, I love, I [:

And they go, Oh, I know exactly what that is. This is this, this, and this isn't this. Okay. That makes perfect sense. You know, she, and I'm like, okay, good. That kind of, that was clear. They validated it for themselves because it came from an external source, but you know, they, they understood it. So yeah, it's, I love the, the, the visual though, of the aura imaging.


Donna: It's, it's incredible. And you know, it changed my life and I came across it. So synchronistically I came across it in England, actually. So I was telling my husband and he fully understood what I was talking about and how I was explaining it to him. But it truly didn't make he's a very, he's a mechanical engineer.

ngineer. So everything needs [:

Laurin: old left brain

Donna: And we had gone to Cornwall and we, I love Doc Martin and the show Doc Martin. So I wanted to go to, to the town that Doc Martin was filmed in.

And then we went to a boot sale and we were looking for antiques and stuff. And a boot sale is when they open up their trunks and they're selling bits and bobs from their trunks. So we. We're desperate for a cup of coffee. We've been in England for four weeks and we hadn't had a decent cup of coffee yet.

And there was a little sign in the town of Tintagel that said the best coffee in England, Camelot Castle. Well, I'm all about King Arthur and the knights and everything. I, I love that whole thing. And, and in my heart and soul, I know it was real. I know it's an ancient legend that is based in truth. And so I said, we have to go to Tintagel and we have to go to that castle.

So we went. And we had an [:

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: Backstory, I'm walking into down to in this little village and there is a picture like the very old one that when they first started doing it like Carillion. And I thought, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm not losing my mind. It's real. Oh, I started burst into tears. I, I cried so hard, I almost wet my pants and, and Frank says, what's going on?

Are you dying? And I said, no, you can see it. That's it. And I grabbed his hand and we went in and we got our pictures taken and I was the happiest woman in the world.

Laurin: It's.[:

Donna: So, you know, it was, it was like so validating

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

Donna: that it could be seen,

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: you know,

Laurin: I know, and it's, it's one of those things that, that I ask for periodically is I would like to be able to see auras.

Donna: you can, you know, you can practice.

Laurin: I, I, well, I haven't, I have not done that well, apparently, yet.

Donna: If try focusing just on this part of the body

Laurin: okay.

Donna: and it really helps. If they're not against a dark wall,

Laurin: Okay. Mm-hmm.

ing this. So you'll start to [:

Laurin: Okay. Okay.

Donna: Once you see that light, you can't unsee it and you'll start looking for it. Everywhere you go in people and you'll notice that the bigger the light, the more light you see, and you can't unsee it. And when you start practicing after a while, you will start to see the colors.

Maybe not the way I see them because I see through them, like, through the body. So, but anyone, anyone, however, can learn to see the outline aura.

Laurin: Okay. Now I'm going to try. I'm going to add that to my daily practice.

Donna: You can do it with yourself in a mirror.

right now, and I think it's [:

You said it's coming in a lot right now.

Donna: It is coming in a lot right now for the, for about the past three or four months. I've noticed, especially with new clients that aren't, aren't really familiar with me or my work and that when I, I do what I call a zero to clarity session with people in the beginning which allows me to, you know, look into their light and their limiting themselves.

elves or someone else that's [:

I didn't get a degree that my parents wanted or it's usually generally a self worth issue. And yet, since our world, and especially here in North America, how we've been affected. In the US and Canada, and even Mexico by the degree of turmoil that's going on in the rest of the world is affecting us at a cellular level, because we're trying to come to terms energetically with all of this chaos and incoherence in the world that is not of our making.

watching, you know, the dog [:

Laurin: Yeah. It's

Donna: bone, doesn't matter what country they come from. And then when we, you know, this, we are, we are now on the verge of having to make a choice of whether the world goes to war or not. And it is sobering. It is soul destroying and to see what's going on in the world right now and not be able to push that light into that space.

It's a little soul destroying. So the first thing we have to do is protect our light and do the best we can and not, not feel like a failure because we can't do a lot about the bigger picture except give our energy of love and, and that, you know, when you dial it down to your personal experience, failure is a tool.

r we're feeling the world is [:

The energy of any feeling word when you look for meaning in the word in our language, every single word, and whether it's whether we're speaking Russian or Polish or Chinese or Japanese, it doesn't matter the construct of the energy behind the meaning of the word that is the same, regardless of what language it's spoken in is free.

Laurin: Mm-hmm.

power to change the reality [:

I've got it written out. It's the journey. and integrating the principles. So, I was feeling like a real failure about that. So, what is failure? What does it stand for? The F stands for freedom to choose a gate. The A stands for awareness, alignment, and action. If you don't take action on what your feelings are telling you, then you [00:46:00] lose the eye, the intention, the inspiration to make changes.

And you cannot, you can't make a change if you don't love yourself and lean in and learn the lessons. Failure is an energetic tool that empowers us to make big changes. We can all remember every single time we fell in it and fail or felt the energy of failure. The truth is there's no failure. It's just the experience of feeling that, that allows us to stand up and live larger, to live a larger love based life.

ation rather than evaluation.[:

As human beings from the cradle, we are taught, before we can speak, to evaluate everything that's the truth is...

We will get nowhere from evaluation. It's a form of judgment and judgment is a form of chaos and chaos creates incoherence. And then through our judgment, we are creating the black pool that is becoming our world. When we find value. In everything, every person, every place, everything, regardless, and I know that's really hard to find value, you know, in, in some of the things that are happening right now.

We have to find a value because there's a lesson in it for us. In the minute we learn the lesson, the failure goes away and now you've got freedom.

big lessons of my life is to [:

Donna: Yes, it's happening for

Laurin: happening for me. Okay. So this sucks, but what's happening for me, what is it that I need to learn, understand, receive, take away from this.

And for me learning to do that. And I still have to stop sometime and go, okay, victim mode, let's get out of that.

Donna: We all do.

Laurin: But for me, that's been the, probably the biggest lesson of my, of the last 10 years of my life. And it's such a handy tool once you learn to go, Oh wait, I'm in victim mode. Okay. Let me take a breath.

nce you learn that lesson or [:

Donna: absolutely. And it's forgiveness to I, I loved Mark. I wrote this down because I knew we might talk about this. This is one of my very favorite things. And when I first started thinking about the energy of forgiveness. Martin Luther King said forgiveness does not mean putting a false label on an evil act.

It means rather that the evil act no longer remains a barrier to friendship. Now we must recognize that the evil deed, the enemy, the neighbor, the thing that hurts never expresses all that he, she, it is. It's all an element of good and it may be found even in the worst enemy. That's from Martin Luther King.

Laurin: Me

Donna: And when you [:

Laurin: Yeah. Yeah.

Donna: is, is what grows our soul. It's the number one vitamin for our soul. It's the best nutrient we can give it. Forgive. And love again.

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: It doesn't mean don't do what you have to do. Don't be a victim. It means understand that you have the power to transcend the pain that you're feeling. And most of the pain becomes comes from being in a place of lack of forgiveness.

ike, we're hurting our self. [:

Donna: Yeah. You stab a little

Laurin: yeah. Let me feel even worse about this.

Donna: Yeah. Oh, look, now my heart is bleeding too.

Laurin: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's and, and that's where, that's exactly the lesson that I learned when, when it, when I learned that I was kept putting myself in victim mode and I, I backed up from that, got some perspective, asked some questions and I learned that I just couldn't forgive. In this case, it was my mother for not being the mother I wanted her to be.

Donna: Oh my God. I had the same experience.

Laurin: But looking back at her experience as a mother, and now that I've been a mother for a long time, I can kind of put myself at the same ages. She did a remarkably good job and she's a narcissist. So you know, there's that mix in there, but I had compassion for her. I mean, when she was, when, when she was pregnant with me, she got my uncle who was seven years old and was now an orphan.

And my dad had [:

Donna: And couldn't be,

Laurin: and couldn't be.

Donna: and couldn't be

Laurin: she couldn't be. She did the best she could with what she had in the moment. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Donna: it's the false label of expectations that we, that we put upon people, places and, and things that are not of us. And we have to realize that, that, that is the way that we have to go. I had a similar experience with my mother and I thought I had a lot to forgive around my father whom I adored my mother.

I always just felt like her best friend, you know, I never felt like a child with

Laurin: Oh yeah.

n't know that I was carrying [:

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: So I went on this really intense retreat called the wall. And at this wall, you know, I ran up and down a mountain so many times. I burned my rubbers there. They were just dead. And I thought I went up that mountain and down that mountain a million times to learn how to forgive my father and who I loved deeply.

And when it came down, push came to shove. And I actually told the truth to myself. Had nothing to do with my father and everything to do with my mother. I went to the airport, I changed my flight, I flew to Salt Spring Island, I told my mother to meet me on Vancouver Island, and we locked ourselves into a motel together for four days and we talked it out.

Laurin: [:

Donna: And it was the most empowering thing for both of us, I think, that had ever happened.

Laurin: Mm hmm.

Donna: And I, I really, you know, I love my mother and she was an absolutely brilliant, talented, gifted woman.

Laurin: Mm hmm.

Donna: She put up with a lot of crap that I didn't understand.

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: And when I saw through her lens, what she saw and heard through her words, what she felt as an adult woman, you know, that was the age she was.

When I was experiencing these things as a child, it was a whole different dichotomy.

. Let's learn the lesson and [:

Donna: Learn the lesson, lean into love, apply the love, apply the lesson. And what I know to be true is that each and every one of us, regardless of our affiliation, our race, our creed, our religion or lack thereof, we are all a beautiful, infinite thread. In a blanket of infinite unity, and in that blanket, we are held gently with love and peace.

aven exactly and there is no [:

But love, so there is no judgment. There is no evaluation. There is only value in every single soul that is. And you, you come from that and you return to that. Your mission, should you wish to accept it, you know, and I, I laughed because I was really into Star Wars then when they said, that's how they said it to me.

Your mission, should you wish to accept it, is to be love in all things. If you can't be love, Be peace. If you can't be peace, be grace. And if you can't be grace, then get the hell out of there. And that was literally

Laurin: Mm.

Donna: how it was explained to me.

bring a close to this. I do [:

Donna: Wayne Dyer I've got so many. That's your destiny and the wisdom of the ages

Laurin: Say those again.

Donna: manifest your destiny and the wisdom of the ages

Laurin: Okay.

Donna: and all of the conversations with God books with Neil Donald Walsh and Shakti Gawain, your true colors.

Laurin: All right. We got

Donna: Old, old

Laurin: here.

Okay. And Shakti Gawain. Okay. My pen is running out. Okay. Thank you for sharing those with us. All right. Can you tell the listeners where they can find you?

Donna: The [:

My, my Facebook group is there. All things Donna and what she does. Donna Fairhurst dot com.

Laurin: Great. Great. Nice and easy. And of course we will have that and all of her other contact information in the show notes. All right. I really want to thank you for being here. This has been such an amazing, we've covered some ground in this

Donna: we traveled. We traveled the world.

Laurin: Yes. So I do, I really appreciate you taking the time to be here with me today and to have this juicy conversation.

Donna: Oh, my God.

Laurin: I, I hope that we get to, you know, spend time with each other again in the future. Cause I

Donna: Oh, [:

Laurin: Yeah.

Donna: Thank you so much. Laurin. I've enjoyed this immensely.

Laurin: Good. Good. All right. And I want to thank the listeners for being here with us today at Curiously Wise Practical Spirituality in the Action. I think you've learned some action points here today and I hope to see you next time on the next episode. In the meantime, stay curious

Thank you so much for joining us today on curiously wise If you enjoyed this episode, Please be sure to subscribe. So you don't miss future fabulous conversations. And if you had any ahas, please share them in a review on apple podcasts so we can continue to pay forward the unique wisdom we all have. If you want to know more about me or my intuitive energy healing practice Heartlight wellness.

ase head over to my website. [:

I'm Laurin Wittig. Please join me again next week. For another episode of curiously wise, eyes from my heart to yours, may your life be filled with love, light joy, and of course, curiosity.

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Curiously Wise
Practical Spirituality in Action

About your host

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Laurin Wittig

Laurin Wittig is a Holistic Light Worker here to help others on their ascension journey. She is an intuitive energy healer, spirituality mentor, founder of HeartLight Wellness, host of the Curiously Wise: Practical Spirituality in Action podcast, and channel of The Circle of Light.