Episode 112

Mystic Tools for Modern Times: The Power of Pendulums and Dowsing with Hope Fitzgerald

Mystic Tools for Modern Times: The Power of Pendulums and Dowsing with Hope Fitzgerald

In this enlightening episode, Laurin and Hope dive into the fascinating world of dowsing, uncovering how ancient civilizations used pendulums and L rods to tap into Earth’s energy for guidance and power. They explore the practical applications of these spiritual tools in modern life—from energy clearing and intuitive healing to making everyday decisions with cosmic support. Hope shares personal experiences and tips for using pendulums as a tool to enhance intuition, helping you gain clarity, connect with your higher self, and confidently move forward in life.

=> Where to find Hope Fitzgerald:

Website: The Infinity Wave | Spread Infinite Hope

Book: The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion, and Flow (affiliate link)

FB: Spread Infinite Hope | Greenfield MA

IG: Instagram (@spreadinfinitehope)

LI: http://linkedin.com/in/hope-fitzgerald-05664619

=> Learn more about Laurin Wittig and Heartlight Wellness: Healing the light within you!

Laurin Wittig is an intuitive energy worker, Reiki Master, Shamanic practitioner, and the founder of HeartLight Wellness and the HeartLight Women’s Circles. She also hosts the Curiously Wise: Practical Spirituality in Action podcast and is an award winning author.

Laurin’s non-traditional journey from lots of health issues to robust wellbeing awakened her to her own healing gifts and sparked a passion to assist others to travel their paths with less pain, more joy, and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Website: HeartlightJoy.com

Gift: Sign up for Laurin's newsletter and get her gift to you: Laurin's Top Three Ways to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides (PDF download)

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Interested in exploring how Laurin can help you shine your inner light brighter? Book a free 20 minute call here.


Audio Engineer: Sam Wittig

Music: Where the Light Is by Lemon Music Studio

Photography & Design: Asha McLaughlin/Tej Art

Copyright 2024 Laurin Wittig

Mentioned in this episode:

Learn more about Laurin:

If you’d like to know more about me, please visit my website Heartlightjoy.com. While you are there you can book a free call, join my newsletter, find out about energetic healing services, Heartlight Women’s Circles, and my novels. Links to the website, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIN are clickable in the show notes. I would greatly appreciate it if you would subscribe to Curiously Wise: Practical Spirituality in Action, and share it with a friend. This will help spread the information and the uplifting energy that is created in every episode. Thank you for joining me today and stay curious.


Interview Episode with Hope Fitzgerald


Hope: You know, our brains can just get all tangled up with so many options, or we're having a tug of war between the mind and the heart, and everybody knows what that feels like. With the dowsing rods, so brilliant, because you ask what's in the highest physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual good of a person, and if you get a wonky answer, like, maybe it's only 50%, Then you step back and you say, okay, is it in the highest physical good of this person?

but you're going to hate it [:

Laurin: Hello friends and welcome back to Curiously Wise. I'm Laurn Wittig, your host. And as always, I have an amazing guest here today to have a wonderful conversation with. So let me introduce you to Hope Fitzgerald and read you her bio here. Since 2010 hope has been passionately sharing the infinity wave, a 10th dimensional energy tool revealed to her in a series of visions to accelerate to accelerate personal and global spiritual evolution.

And increased joy and freedom, even, even during tumultuous times. I'm sorry for my tongue twisting here, her recent bestselling book, the infinity wave mastering the art of love, compassion and flow describes the waves astounding arrival and the ensuing lessons it brought. She's conducted workshops on this powerful energy appeared on multiple global platforms.

veloped into a channel for a [:

Hope, welcome to Curiously Wise.

Hope: Thank you so much, Lauren. So nice to be here.

Laurin: Yeah, I'm, I'm fascinated. I have never heard of the infinity wave until I, I bumped into you online and and so let's just start right there. How did this come into your consciousness and and just tell us what it is.

And the way it came in was in:

And we don't want that to happen. I went out to the Washington state to have back to back workshops with the sound healer. Tom Kenyon. And my goal was, I just had this thing in my head. I want to wipe my inner bowl clean. I just, I just, and I was so passionate about it. I was like, it was like I was on a horse and I was going into not quite battle, but that amount of fervor, right?

swer in the practice. It was [:

It was real mind bender that I, I was just overjoyed and from that place of deep gratitude. I surrendered. Completely I, I was sitting on a bench, but in my mind's eye, I went prostrate on the floor and out of me sprang the words. I am a willing vessel. Do with me what you will. Now, that was not the kind of thing.

this stuff that had happened [:

And she's sitting there and all of a sudden, right in front of me is this giant wall of water. This giant wave 10 stories. I don't even know gigantic. And it was quite beautiful turquoise. It was moving toward me. And there was kind of this byline that went along with it. That said, this wave represents a push of evolution.

nd anchoring in at the end of:

Didn't fall right back down into the ocean. It swung around and it turned into this figure 8 of flowing water and there was no byline with that and it didn't go away. It stayed with me for about 3 days and hung out in front of my 3rd eye. It was about 18 inches high and about 18 inches out. [00:07:00] And finally, I kind of got annoyed at this thing.

And I, and I, and I sat down now, I was never, I never had visions before. These are, these are unusual things already. And I'm questioning my sanity, even after a life. Of a spiritual study of practicing this learning hands on healing, practicing that studying the different philosophies, studying different religion.

I went to fin horn, you know, like, I did all these things. And I had past life regressions. Like, I, you know, I studied near death experiences. Like, I had a lot of book learning as they were telling me and, but I'm what's curious and I love your, your your the name of your show. What's curious about this is that even if you have all that so called.

prepare you for falling off [:

I, I had the basics. But over the years I had taught myself because this was before the Internet and I had two little babies and I didn't I couldn't go to the library and get a book out on dowsing. You know, like, so I just taught myself. I felt my way along with it, and I'm so glad because I have something that is.

en I teach dowsing that they [:

And I find out that this figure 8 of flowing water. Has a name that we can call it, and that is the infinity wave. And it is a representation. Of a 10th dimensional energy of love and compassion. Which is why the, the, the small letters on my book are love, compassion, and flow. And so I was then told, told that I needed to create workshops about this.

This was now November,:

And I did not want to be in the front of the room. I just wanted to be a student, which I still am, but I wanted to stay that way for the rest of my life. And and basically they put a foot in my back and they said, You said you were willing. That's now we're doing with you what we will. Oh, shoot. Howdy.

at I was talking about. They [:

I still had the tenants of the teachings that I learned at Fyndhorn, which is okay. When I was, let me back up a little bit. When I was doing this, this dowsing. You know, they kept talking about evolution and spiritual evolution. And I remember that when I learned the principles of evolution as taught at Fintorn, which were the tenants of the 19th century Renaissance man.

we're, we're used to having [:

It's plotting all of that. But what I was starting to delain was that this was evolving consciously. Now, today, if you hear conscious evolution, it's like, oh, yeah, of course. No, that did not exist in 2010. It did not exist in 2011, because I put those two words together, and I looked them up on the internet, and there was nothing.

Barbara Marks Hubbard made one comment about it in one little class, but that was it. And I realized, okay, if this wave thing is helping us consciously evolve, spiritually in particular, Then that's that's where we have to start. So I started to pieces together. I didn't still know what I was doing. I sat down with my same dear friend.

ess to those waves coming in [:

So, it's going to get a little squiggly on its way in coming through, you know, waffling through our energy fields. So, there was always some kind of nugget in there, but I had to. I didn't fully trust it anyway. So, I'm sitting there with my dowsing rods. And all of a sudden, this super deep, super slow voice comes out and out comes this practice.

ctices were ways to use this [:

And, of course, I was on the same path with them. I was learning it as they were learning it. Then I repeated that 2 more times anyway, that's how it came in. And to [00:15:00] sum it up, I could say that the infinity wave is a gift from a loving universe. To help us through the chaotic times that at that point, we're ahead of us.

And now we have been in and are in. So that we are going through these massive changes. With flow with love and compassion instead of resistance and struggle and a lot of pain.

Laurin: hmm.

Hope: that mean it's always easy? No, but that's the general

Laurin: hmm.

Hope: principle

Laurin: Awesome. So I want to back up just a little bit because some people may not know a couple of things that you're talking about. I learned about Fyndhorn years ago, but could you tell people what Fyndhorn is?

at came together in the early:

Hello in a trailer with their 2 or 3 elementary school boys, and they were taught to plant a garden. Now, the garden went into a beach. I mean, it's seagrass. You know, go down to Cape Cod and go to the beach. That's what it looks like. And they were taught through the voice, exactly how to create the garden.

fruits and vegetables. Other [:

And they were, because they were working with the plants. Spirits, their Davis. And the Davis would tell them what they wanted and where they wanted to be placed in the garden and who they wanted to be next to, by the way, don't plant daisies and roses, roses next to each other. Because they both like to be the star of the show, so they won't be happy next to each other.

as every need was met in the [:

They had, and he said, oh, would you like to trade these eggs for that thing that you have to, you know, it would be like. Almost instantaneously manifesting exactly what they needed. They would need a certain amount of money. And that day that a check would show up in that exact amount. And so they taught this law of manifestation.

ll over the world, all ages, [:

And so there's a wonderful book about it called the fin horn garden, which I recommend always that people. Read there's a new edition of it. It has a lot of the transmissions. From Eileen's daily conversations with The Voice and tell us the back story and, and what a, what a scary ride they went on, but they did it in trust and trust. I, if I had not been to Fyndhorn, if I had not known their story, and I started to fall off the deep end, like I, I did, and I'm only telling the tiniest, tiniest little bit of it, I, I don't know that I would have. Been able to go forward, it was Eileen's example that I went back to time and time again, really.


Laurin: Oh, yeah,

Hope: most, right, but most of us don't want to do that. We get it right up to the edge where our little toes are curled right over the edge.

But the final push into complete freefall usually doesn't happen unless somebody, we're pushed. I mean, somebody else pushes us or circumstances push us, you know it's, it's not comfortable. Until you get caught and then, but you're in free fall blind and yeah, it's a wonderful terrifying thing.

quite hard for us as humans [:

Hope: yes,

Laurin: You know, if we can lay out a plan, then, then we can trust a little bit easier than I can. Oh, I can do that. But just to simply trust that this thing is going to happen. I don't know how or when.

But I'm going to trust that it will happen is so hard to learn how to do, and I'm still I'm still a

be anchoring it at the end of:

That's not how it works. It comes into multiple people and [00:22:00] I did not see the infinity sign on it. Anywhere I, I didn't see conscious evolution anywhere. So I thought, well, maybe I am totally nuts. And then January, 1st, week of January 2012, somebody hands me a cappuccino with the infinity in it. And I went, here we go.

And sure. Well, now, everybody, every logo has an infinity sign. They don't know why, but they have it and that's a good thing. Mm

Laurin: Yeah. Yeah. So interesting. Okay. So that was Fendhorn and a little more about the infinity. The other thing is dowsing. That's a word I'm not sure everybody knows what that means. So tell us a little bit about what that means and then when and how you use that.

, [:

It's a way to understand not only. Where water is, but what the elements of the earth are trying to say to us. It's translation tool in a way it's also a way to understand what our guidance. No matter where our guidance comes from, and it's different for different people. Is trying to say to us, and. Not everybody uses it in that 2nd way.

t's, you know, the old timey [:

Questions you have to ask. Well, how many gallons per minute? And is it potable water? And how deep is that water? Because you don't want to have to go down too far if, if you don't have to, because it's expensive. So, usually you find a dowser will find more than 1 place to drill on a piece of land and drilling companies often have a dowser on hand.

dowsers who have drilled over:

So it's just it's just miraculous and wonderful. And there are lots of ideas about how it works. Part of it is that the water in our body is sort of an antenna and can feel the energy that's in the land, even if we're not conscious of it. And so that those frequencies come up through our the water in us, and the dowsing rods respond. That's 1 way to look at it, or think of it. You can also douse energy lines. They're called ley lines if there are four or more significant features on the land. For instance, in England it would be a stone circle, a standing stone, a well, a cathedral. If four of those are in a straight line, then we go, Oh, there's a ley line.

And then you get your [:

Underneath the soil, and in the rock, there's usually some gapping or something that's creating that extra energy in that particular place. So fascinating. I, I took a group to Scotland last year and learned that the chieftains. Knew about this, I mean, of course, previous cultures knew about all about this and they could determine with their bodies where the power spots were and the chieftains would have each everybody had their version of a Merlin [00:27:00] and they would build their castles.

Right on the energy nodes. Because that would give them dominance over that land. And they would be more likely to maintain their rule. In that area, because they were sitting literally on the power seat, and that's where they would place their throne right on it in stone. So that the stone was receiving the vibrations of the earth.

They knew exactly what they were doing. Okay, dowsing has multiple tools. Most people know about pendulums and pendulums are fantastic and there are many varieties of pendulums

Laurin: Mm-Hmm.

fferent pendulums, different [:

I have 1, that's about 6 inches tall and fat. And we, we lovingly call it Bam Bam,

Laurin: Yes.

Hope: and it's really good for clearing energy. And so I, I use pendulums personally, I use pendulums for clearing energy. If I'm doing a healing session, clearing energy in a house moving things along and, and also for healing. For, but my rods, they call, they're called L rods because they're shaped like an L, the small size of the L. Part of the yell goes in your hand.

in the blurry. So, the thing [:

You know, our brains can just get all tangled up with so many options, or we're having a tug of war between the mind and the heart, and everybody knows what that feels like. With the dowsing rods, so brilliant, because you ask what's in the highest physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual good of a person, and if you get a wonky answer, like, maybe it's only 50%, Then you step back and you say, okay, is it in the highest physical good of this person?

to pay you really well, but [:

Laurin: mm-Hmm.

Hope: Or vice versa, you know, so, you know, it's, it's really.

You can pull things apart, parse them out, follow with this. Version of ask inquiry that I had developed, which isn't so far from what other people do. I'm sure but. The, the, the unique thing, and it's not to pat myself on the back, but when this channeling started with the infinity way, it just opened up the carnival.

, I will start to hear words [:

And that will just are the exact words that they need to hear their field needs to hear. That's like a key in a lock for them to go into understand. Full gnosis, you know boom, I get it. So that's what I can bring to the table. But so I hope that explains thousand.

Laurin: Yeah, yeah, I think that's a great explanation. It's it is interesting. I, I love my pendulum and I still use it a lot. And the main thing that I really loved about it in the beginning is it kind of validated what I was sensing or feeling. And I was like, is that really me? Is that something else?

And I could use the pendulum and I, I had used it enough to trust it to validate for me. And that's something I think that a lot of people need when you're starting out.

mportant thing. It I love it [:

Laurin: Oh yeah.

Hope: to row, you know, there's so many things. But dowsing is fast. It gives you your answer right away, and it is a way to build that confidence in your own intuition and, and who, you know, you don't even know, you don't have to know who, who's giving you the information.

I didn't know for years who was giving me my information. I didn't care because by then. And I always recommend this to people start with no risk, almost silly questions, you know, is my hair purple? Well, not today, but, you know, is my hair purple? No, and, you know, silly things like that. And then I always say, try asking, which day should you go to the grocery store this week?

Laurin: that's a

being listened to there's a, [:

No, no, take it easy. And and then at Dallas for dates, that's for most auspicious dates and times for something does for colors. You know, what would be the best color for me to wear today? That would. That would most enhance my well being. Okay, purple. All right. Oh, well, purple. You know, and and as you go along, you develop, like you said, you develop this trust.

lean into that guidance and [:

Laurin: Yeah. Yeah. And I, I love Oracle cards. I have, I don't know, 15 decks and I, I don't use them every day, but I pull them out periodically and I work with them. But the thing I love about my pendulum, your dowsing rods is that it's a very simple yes or no kind of answer. And whereas with the cards, I always have to kind of stop and think and interpret or, or intuit and, and and I don't always have the patience to do that, you know, or the clarity to do it for myself, you know,

s over and you're not taking [:

1st, what this means to you, what I started doing was dowsing with the cards. And is this okay? My feeling about this is it's saying this. And, and the rods would be like, almost. Okay, I got to go deeper, don't I? Another layer. Okay. And I started to do both. So it was like, I had my yes or no answers with the rods, but I had the story filled in by the cards.

You work hand in hand. It's so cool.

Laurin: It's interesting because I do that too. But for me, it's often, did I pick the right card. You know,

Hope: Then you, you does, right? You'd

Laurin: sometimes it's like, no, it's like, okay, I'll go back and try again. You know, but that's, especially if I turn a card over and it just baffles me, I'll go, is this the right card? And sometimes it is.

s, it's interesting. Cause I [:

Hope: and, you know, for people starting out and they, they prefer the pendulum. There are so many books that you can get. There are chart books laminated with, I mean, it's like a motion. There's a motion page. And you can ask it what emotion and you are you know, let's say you get into a tussle with somebody and you're not sure if you're angry or sad, or,

Laurin: Yeah.

Hope: you know, what is what is this emotion?

rd? And that's just [:

And I highly recommend that that's vitamins. It has, you know, food. It has all kinds of stuff.

Laurin: Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting because it never occurred to me to go look for a book about that. I have started using charts because I was working with a coach who used to chart all the time with her pendulum. And I was like, that's cool. I want to do that. But now I'm going to have to go get a book.

Hope: They're very good.

Laurin: Yeah, no, that's, that's fabulous.

I just never, it never dawned on me to, to do that. So see, I learned something every time I have one of these conversations. So is there anything that we haven't talked about that you want to bring forth today? Yeah.

year for where I'm supposed [:

And so every year so far, except for during the lockdown years, we, we have gone somewhere and these trips are planned. With the dowsing in mind, which sites I'm going to, it's a way we, how, how are we going to evolve? We can't evolve through our mental understanding of something we evolve through an experience. That's the only time we really change is through an experience. So I do these trips [00:39:00] to offer opportunities to be on potent land where people can have their own spiritually evolutionary experience. Spiritual evolutionary experience, and in 1 site, it's going to work for 1 person and in another site, it's going to work for another person and just being together.

I teach dowsing on these on these journeys. And it has been remarkable. It has been absolutely remarkable. And because they're doused, they are so smooth, you know, we're walking into a crop circle as everybody's leaving. We're walking into a cathedral as everybody's leaving and then nobody comes in until we leave.

on the map. Let me take you [:

If we can't go away to, you know, some foreign land. I have a partner, a collaborator, a colleague named Gary Malkin, who's an Emmy award winning composer, and he, I do all my meditations to his music because I haven't found anything that's more spacious and more sensitive vibrationally than his music.

Except for maybe playing the sound bolts, which I can do, but his music is just so exquisite. So, Gary and I have come together and created a couple of workshops, one of which is called You Awake, Mastering the Art of Change. And this is in response to all the things that we've been through in the last bunch of years.


And basically develop change literacy, and it's done through a series of experiences that we offer. And then the other piece of this is Gary created something 20 years ago called graceful passages. And for anybody who does any kind of death or hospice work, or even if you have a family member who is on the way out.

I cannot recommend [:

And that message I met Gary through graceful passages 10 years before I met him in person. I already loved him. I already honored him. I already revered him because of how incredible that is. So I highly recommend that everybody has it in their libraries because you never know when you're going to need to use it.

of transitions of any kind. [:

Laurin: All right. That's that sounds amazing. Do you have information about these trips on your on your website or is that a newsletter thing or because

Hope: Okay. So good question. I, I write a weekly newsletter. I guess you'd call it a blog now, but I send out a weekly email on Sundays and. I always am announcing whatever's coming up. And so this year, because the Shasta trip is full, I'm not talking about next year's trip yet. I don't douse for that till the fall.

d people that on Mondays. At [:

And it has been amazing. It's been ongoing for four years now. And and we've had all these different galactic type groups coming to work with us. We've had the Hathors come and work, they tutor, it's like a tutoring school. And sometimes they offer healings. Sometimes they offer insights. Sometimes they take us on journeys, get to go out of our bodies and we go places.

It's I never know who's coming in or what we're going to be doing. And so it's curious

Laurin: Yes.

came in and Gaia told us no [:

Laurin: Yeah. That's where it's nice to get those messages because it really does. We are so, I don't know, embroiled in cure in, in chaos and turmoil and fear and, and just all this low vibration stuff. And to have that kind of reassurance that comes in, I've, I've had Gaia come in with a group. I call it my earth healing group.

It's not mine. I belong to it. And she's come in to talk to us about the same kind of thing. She's such a beautiful energy

e who listen to one a day, so[:

Laurin: to have to go do some more exploration of your website. So tell the listeners where they can find you online, where your website is and

Hope: yeah. Yes,

Laurin: know.

Hope: sure. So it's spread infinite hope.com. So it's not all on me. We all gotta do our part to spread the hope. And same for Facebook, and same for Instagram. I think the same for LinkedIn. And then, where else am I? Oh, well, I'm on you awake, you hyphen awake. com. That's the thing with Gary and I, and my book.

Oh, I, I did finally. I,

Laurin: Yeah.

e a session with them, like, [:

It's, it's just a great little handbook on. How the wave came in and how to use it. And yeah, so I recommend that and 50 percent of the proceeds I donate to my fundraising target, which is my beautiful orphanages in Nepal. So, every book I sell half goes to them, which I'm very happy about

Laurin: Yeah, but that raises everything up, doesn't it? All right. Well, this has been an amazing conversation. We're having this on a Friday afternoon in the in July and it's a beautiful way to end my week. I'm

Hope: mine to.

Laurin: like kind of a high. I hope That my listeners will will come in and explore hopes. I hope that you'll explore hope website.

And and look [:

And I hope that you'll tune in with us again next week for another episode of Curiously Wise. And in the meantime, I want to thank Hope for being here with us and I want to invite you to stay curious. Thanks.

About the Podcast

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Curiously Wise
Practical Spirituality in Action

About your host

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Laurin Wittig

Laurin Wittig is a Holistic Light Worker here to help others on their ascension journey. She is an intuitive energy healer, spirituality mentor, founder of HeartLight Wellness, host of the Curiously Wise: Practical Spirituality in Action podcast, and channel of The Circle of Light.